Did you ever wonder what that "pillar of cloud" looked like that accompanied the Hebrews in the wilderness? Around here we often see "dust devils" in the summer, and they are awesome enough when they are big. But that pillar of cloud was the manifestation of God's presence--it must have been nothing short of terrifying!

Once, when I was visiting my folks at the coast, I was sitting on the floor facing the ocean. The sun had just set and I saw shooting from east to west coming from over the house and going toward the ocean, the most beautiful green light. It took my breath away. I gasped in wonder, fear and anticipation. I think I was momentarily speechless. I don't recall that anyone else had seen it. When I finally spoke, I'm sure I was a bit incoherent, but I finally put into words what I had seen and Dad reassured me that it was just someone on the beach shooting off flares. I tried to believe him, but that feeling of anticipation and excitement mingled with fear stayed with me. The next day, I read in the paper that it was a huge bolide that had been seen from all over the Northwest, mostly going from north to south, but breaking up and with a big piece going westward. That was what I saw!!
I have had that same "breathtaking" experience on a handful of occasions, usually in dreams. But I know that when Jesus returns--if I am still here--that is EXACTLY how I will feel--only magnified!

We have been enjoying watching "Storm Chasers" lately (sort of sane, sort of reality TV). And I have been fascinated by the tornadoes. There tends to be a pattern to them. Like the whirlpools we see as the bath water slurps down the drain, tornadoes start as BIG, slowly swirling cloud masses. The speed picks up, the circle tightens, and the funnel forms and often appears to be looking for someplace particular to land.
I'm thinking that is how it is with God's spirit, the manifestation of His power in our lives. The mighty, massive, ominous cloud begins to circle slowly overhead. It picks up speed and the funnel forms, looking for a particular spot to touch down, a place where He is being praised, where people are in a posture to allow the tornado to work through them. But when it hits, it is no dust devil; there is no doubting the presence of God in the place.
Note: It is important to note that funnels do not usually form in sunny skies and that just the presence of people postured to allow God to work through them does not automatically bring the manifestation of His power...We don't know which way the wind blows; but we need to be ready for it when it comes!!
Definitely a remarkable thing.
How lucky you were to have that experience.
It seems in my life there are those rare but remarkable moments with God. Usually I am not paying attention. hence, no great satisfaction during, only the realization after.
Great post - great thoughts! I never thought that the pillar of cloud could resemble a tornado, but your visual made it seem more real to me (and sort of made sense too since God uses natural phenomena often). I really liked the thought about him waiting to touch down....
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