Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How Deep our Father's Love for Us
"i was crying half because it was scary
& i was in pain
& the other half because i was so
relieved that the kids were okay...
it's amazing how their well-being is
so much wrapped up into my everything.
i know it's like that for all parents...
we would always take the pain for our kids
if we could..."
I love that line "it's so amazing how their well-being is so much wrapped up into my everything". Every parent feels that way. Every parent SHOULD feel that way. It is God in us, at our very core. He created us to be that way so that we would understand HIM better, so that we could better comprehend HIS love for us.
I have been sensing in people lately, and hearing it outright as well, an uneasiness about our economy, our future, our jobs. And although I have had trouble putting it into words, I think Emily put it very well. If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much better does our Father know how to give good gifts to us? We are His everything!! And He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. His wealth and his ability to provide for us have nothing to do with the economy.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Pruning, pruning, and more pruning

Pruning is an art form. We prune for many reasons, with different results. Roses seem to thrive on pruning. We cut them back all summer and they just grow and bloom more and more. Then in the winter, we cut away the dead wood so the new growth has room to grow. I prune my arborvitae hedge so that is will remain fairly low, so that I can see traffic over it, and traffic can see me. I prune the fruit trees I just planted to encourage root growth, and for the next few years I will not let them put their energy into producing fruit at all, but will pluck the fruit while it is small so that the trees will put their energy into growing strong roots and a strong trunk.
This has been a year of much growth for me and I feel like I am in a dormant, rather numb state right now, with changes in our business and the loss of my grandma and brother. But the truth is, I'm ready for God to prune away. Pruning the dead wood does not hurt. it changes what I look like, I may have to give up things I'm used to--and heaven knows I don't like change!--but it's all for the best. The dead wood will be in the way of the new growth. I need to surrender to the Gardener.
Some of the pruning God is doing in me is to make me more suited to His plans. I had neglected to prune my arborvitae hedge for many years, and did a severe pruning this year, taking it from 10 or 12 feet down to about 6. It is all level and neat-looking now and I asked Mr. K what he thought. "I liked it better the old way." We do get used to ourselves and it's hard for us to accept change in ourselves, especially when we cannot see the purpose. I'm sure my hedge was thinking "Up, up, up I grow. Oh how lovely and tall I am!" But my desire is that if a horse escapes and runs down the driveway, any traffic coming might have 50 feet to see it, rather than 6. I may like growing tall and wild; but God may have another purpose for me. I need to yield to the Gardener.
Some of the growing I did this year was hard and the kind that is meant to last. Some of the pruning God is doing in me is to keep me from fruiting in certain areas so that my trunk may grow strong and my root system may flourish, so that in the future I will be able to support and sustain a rich harvest. Did you notice how all the apple trees this years seemed to be overladen? If my limbs grow too fast, when the time comes to fruit bountifully, my limbs may be too weak and break. I need to accept the Gardener's de-fruiting, even though it seems contrary to my purpose in life. I need to trust the Gardener.
Some of the pruning He does to make me more productive. Sometimes he picks roses for a bouquet for His delight, or dead-heads the previous blooms to encourage me to flower more. I need to take joy in the Gardener's pruning, as He takes joy in me.
Whatever the Gardener chooses to do in me, I need to yield and surrender to it willingly, joyfully and trustingly. I am in His garden, planted for His purposes, and for His delight. I want to live in His garden forever. So I will accept this season of rest and pruning; knowing that Spring is just around the corner, and I will be all the more useful and productive in the long run for the pruning I have embraced this winter.