My friend Emily was involved in a car accident last week. It was a "small" accident as car accidents go--low speed, superficial bodily injuries (though the psychological ones go deeper), dented metal, broken tie rods... But this is what she said in writing about it,
"i was crying half because it was scary
& i was in pain
& the other half because i was so
relieved that the kids were okay...
it's amazing how their well-being is
so much wrapped up into my everything.
i know it's like that for all parents...
we would always take the pain for our kids
if we could..."
I love that line "it's so amazing how their well-being is so much wrapped up into my everything". Every parent feels that way. Every parent SHOULD feel that way. It is God in us, at our very core. He created us to be that way so that we would understand HIM better, so that we could better comprehend HIS love for us.
I have been sensing in people lately, and hearing it outright as well, an uneasiness about our economy, our future, our jobs. And although I have had trouble putting it into words, I think Emily put it very well. If we know how to give good gifts to our children, how much better does our Father know how to give good gifts to us? We are His everything!! And He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. His wealth and his ability to provide for us have nothing to do with the economy.
Q and A with Bob Welch
1 month ago
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