We have this cat, Joe Kitty, who doesn't see very well, and so she pretty much stays indoors. But she still loves fresh air and sunshine. It has been warm and sunny lately, and we have had our office window open. Needless to say, Joe Kitty has been hanging out by it. Yesterday, a really loud plane flew overhead. Of course, because the window was open, it was even louder than planes usually are. It was the kind that make you run to see if they are planning to land on the roof. Joe Kitty was petrified. She couldn't even run. She just made herself as flat as she could and hoped it wouldn't see her. I just kept right on typing. When it was over, Joe Kitty tiptoed over to me and looked at me quizzically, almost as if to say, "You weren't afraid!" So I picked her up and held her close and petted her and said to her, "I wasn't afraid, so you don't need to be either." And I could feel her muscles relax and she started purring.
And I thought, That's how God holds us too, in our times of fear and doubt, and He says to us, "I am not afraid, so you don't need to be either."
Q and A with Bob Welch
1 month ago
Amen, sister. Our God is so much bigger than we can comprehend. I am dealing with something right now and I keep telling myself, "God took almost a million slaves out of Egypt! He parted a sea! Why don't you think he can get you through THIS?" So I can relate to Joe Kitty.
Interesting you should mention the Red Sea and the Egyptians. I have felt many times over the past year or so that I was standing at the Red Sea and could see the dust of the Egyptian army to the west, over my shoulder. And every time I get there, it seems like the army gets closer before the sea parts.
Perhaps the lesson is to not look. I have to say that there are advantages to not seeing well. I don't see the snakes when mowing or weeding, so I am not afraid. And today when we were loading up the garbage for the dump, my son said, "There is a bee nest in that box." And I replied, "Well, I can't see it, so I"m not afraid!" (there were no bees).
Our pastor tells us that to recieve God's blessings, we need to be in posiion...We need to adopt a posture of worship. And i can say that it is true.
So hang in there. Don't look at all the "what ifs" and just focus on God, who He is and what he has done for you in the past. You are not alone!!
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