Sunday, March 20, 2016

For S.H. (and anyone else needing encouragement)

I know what you are struggling with is not the same as what I have gone through, but if I could give you a “brief” history of the past 6 years or so….I have been in a similar place, and so I speak with confidence when I say that He is faithful, and that He is building your faith.
I have a husband, married in 1988, a daughter born in 1984, whom my husband adopted in 1989, and a son born in 2000 (and two miscarriages and infertility between the kids).  I developed diabetes in the 1990s.  My husbnand and I were both born in 1962 and met in late 1986. 

In January 2008, my grandmother died at the age 92 of a massive stroke. She had been the prayer warrior of our family.  In December 2008, my eldest brother died of cancer that he refused to fight.  About that time, we found out that our daughter was pregnant with our first grandchild—they have struggled with infertility and this was a  miracle for them, and the pregnancy had been fraught with early spotting, but things seemed to be going okay.  In April 2009, when she was about 6 months along, I broke my leg on Sunday night and then went with her, on crutches, to her OB appointment., where the baby’s heart rate was very slow—in the 60s.  They had her come back the following day, when they discovered that the baby, a little girl, had died. 

Having a broken leg really cut down on my ability to exercise, a key component in my diabetes control, and in August I developed an infection in my foot that landed me in the hospital for 10 days with sepsis and kidney failure and foot surgery and lots of bills….It took me MONTHS to recover from this, but just as I was getting on my feet again, in November 2009, my husband had a massive stroke that took him out of the workforce and left me the sole provider.  Because of my uncontrolled diabetes, I was losing my vision.  My husband had done all the shopping and cooking to that point, but could no longer drive, so that new fell on me, as well as taking extra work to make up for what he was no longer able to bring in.  By April of that year  (2010), I was no longer able to drive, barely able to work, and having to do all the cooking and shopping…it was awful.  I had to put all the groceries away myself (and all the dishes) because if someone else put them away, I could not find them. 

I remember standing in my kitchen feeling completely overwhelmed—too much to do, losing my vision, not able to drive any longer, having people bring me meals and groceries (the orchestra I had played in and no longer could, organized a meal and food box for us for many months, and every week they would send us a box of premade meals I could put in the freezer and take out when needed, and basic panty supplies…what a god send!!..and I had huge hospital and doctor bills that insurance did not cover for both myself and my husband, and then our son, who picked that year to jump off a board and land on a nail and put it completely through is foot…all the way out the HE had a hospital stay too…..oh, and they eye doctor sent me to a retinologist who said I needed surgery—and over the past 6 years I have had 7 physical surgeries on my eyes, countless laser surgeries and countless injections…and still owe him over $10,000……

I remember standing in my kitchen thinking, I just cannot go on any longer.  Lord, this Is more than I can  bear….(did I mention I was still trying to homeschool through all this?).  he said to me, “Look at birds, they do not worry about what they are going to eat or where they are going to sleep, and yet not one of them falls from the sky that I don’t know about. Look at the lilies of the field.  They do not worry about what they will wear.  How much more to me you are than they!!!  Trust ME to provide for your needs, and you just focus on your part. “  Worrying IS a waste of time and energy and emotion.  

Over the last few years there have been MANY faith-strengthening trials.  But God is faithful.  I wrote in my blog about many of the things He did along the way.  It’s important to keep a record of his faithfulness because when we are afraid, the enemy likes to get in our heads and say things to worry us, but if we instead look back at what God has done to provide for us—even the impossible, then that voice is easy to recognize as untrue.  Our god IS faithful  Our god DOES care about us.  Our god DOES meet our needs.  Our god DOES want good for us.  But he also wants us to trust him and not fight and flounder and worry.  The more we trust, the easier the walk becomes.

Stand firm in what you know, sister.  All He has for you is good.  Just rest in Him.