One spring day, when I was in college (yeah, the olden days!), I was sitting outside studying before chapel, when this tree caught my eye (yes, the very tree in this picture). I noticed a leaf, how intricately made it was, with veins just so, like the veins on the back of my hand. I looked at another leaf, the same but different. Same general shape, same general color, same basic structure, but not quite the same. The closer I looked, the more differences I saw. I looked at another, and another. All generally the same, but different. I realized that each leaf was unique. There were a LOT of leaves on that tree. I was standing there in awe of God's ability to create such variety in sameness, when He said to me, "Look further." So I looked further, and all around, as far as I could see were trees, all kinds of trees, countless trees, and yet, no doubt, no two leaves the same.
This nearly blew my mind. Like the first time you realize the stars go on forever and ever and ever. But it was such an insight, for me, into God's nature. I just wanted to share it with everyone! About then, it was time for mandatory chapel to start and students started to trickle along the paths toward the chapel. I stopped person after person to explain to them about the leaves, but everyone was in a hurry or just didn't get it. I was saddened that this thing that was so awesome to me was of no interest to anyone else, especially since most of the people there supposedly were there to know God better.
As I was about to give up, I saw Dr. Root hurrying across the street, nearly late as he often was. I stopped him and explained it to him. He smiled as he considered what I had said and he replied, "This is the day the Lord has made--and no two alike!" My heart leapt inside me with joy. Finally someone understood, and a connection was made at a deep level.... A connection that felt so right. This is how we are supposed to understand each other all the time. The memory is with me still, two and a half decades later.
I had a similar experience this week with something awesome that the Lord showed me. I shared it with several people and no one really got it. I was reminded of this day, so long ago. And it occurred to me that it was really an allegory about God and His longing for relationship with us. God desires relationship with us in such a passionate way we cannot comprehend it. He wants to bless us, to touch us, to heal us, to reveal Himself to us, to lavish His affection on us; but we are on our way somewhere in a hurry and we don't connect with Him. And as I was saddened that so many people didn't connect with me, didn't share my joy; how much more is God saddened when we hurry on by?
I want to make God feel the way I felt when Dr. Root "got it". I want to "get" whatever God has to share with me today. Do you?