Kermit says to Maid Marian (Lynn Redgrave):
Your eyes are not bulgie,
You don’t live in a swamp,
You don’t hop or turn somersaults,
Your feet are not webbed and you never eat flies.
I’m sorry to dwell on your faults.
But I still love you. I always will love you.
You shine in my mind like a dream.
And yet I still love you, I always will love you,
Although you are not even green.
MM to K:
I know I’m an odd one,
I’m not like a frog,
My head is all covered with hair.
No flippers, no bulges, no croaking, no warts—
No wonder that sometimes you stare.
And yet you love me
K: You know that I love you.
MM: You shine in my mind like a dream.
And so if I love you, I really do love you.
Who cares if you’re not even green.
Your eyes are not bulgie,
You don’t live in a swamp,
You don’t hop or turn somersaults,
Your feet are not webbed and you never eat flies.
I’m sorry to dwell on your faults.
But I still love you. I always will love you.
You shine in my mind like a dream.
And yet I still love you, I always will love you,
Although you are not even green.
MM to K:
I know I’m an odd one,
I’m not like a frog,
My head is all covered with hair.
No flippers, no bulges, no croaking, no warts—
No wonder that sometimes you stare.
And yet you love me
K: You know that I love you.
MM: You shine in my mind like a dream.
And so if I love you, I really do love you.
Who cares if you’re not even green.
I have been thinking about God loving us no matter what stage of maturity we are in. I think sometimes, because we know that God hates sin, we think because we are not yet fully mature in this area or that, God can't love us perfectly. Or perhaps because the way God created us is different than how He created somebody else...even MOST somebody elses....that we don't measure up, we don't please God. But we need to only be who we are, who God created us to be, and earnestly seek a relationship with God to please Him. I don't have to sing like my friend Rebecca (I CAN'T anyway), or dance like my friend Francine, or dress like Linda, or wear my hair like Johanna, or have quiet times like Gordon, or study like Bonka, or pray like Toni. I just have to BE ME. God made me the way He made me, with the gifts and the weaknesses I have. Who I grow into as I mature isn't going to look like anyone else, and that's okay. That I am not "perfect" (complete, mature) right now, is okay.
God loves the person I am today, right this very moment, as much as He ever has or ever will--although I am not even green!!
I don't have to write like my friend Jodie to...
Jodie, you are used by God! I am so glad that I get to have you along in my journey toward heaven! It is fun walking with you.
Ditto!! We have a great bunch of ladies, don't we? I have not yet gone to a Monday night where I have not come away inspired and blessed and encouraged.
I am loving getting to know you and your precious family, and I'm so thankful!!
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