We have been cleaning, sorting and boxing things to kind of make up for not having built a closet yet or even finished our bathroom remodel. Gary has gone through and repacked just about everything and the wall is lined neatly, nearly to the ceiling with boxes. Apparently, Mermott was overseeing all of this.
When Gary came out for dinner, he inadvertently left Mermott in there, fast asleep on the shelf on the wall. When we heard an enormous crash and the sound of fragile items smashing, he remembered Mermott was in there. When we went to check it out, boxes were overturned and there was almost no entry into the room, and though I called, Mermott was nowhere to be seen.
Gary and I started in immediately on cleaning up and after about 10 minutes, Mermottt appeared from some hiding hole, apparently satisfied that the crashing was now over. I picked her up and petted her and asked her if she was okay. She chirped at me and Gary translated confidently, "Milk please, and make it a double!"
Q and A with Bob Welch
1 month ago
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