My cat Mermott, eldest daughter of Queen Nermal, only kitten in her litter. has been a little haughty lately. She has this household figured out. She sits on my desk every morning for her pets. After the dog is put away for the night, she calls me into the kitchen, chirping as she leads me along, looking back frequently to make sure I am following, and when we get to the kitchen, looking at the refrigerator and very politely and clearly saying, "Milk?" She is comfortable. She has my attention.
The problem is that she thinks her position is a one-cat-only position. Nermal, always sits at my feet. That's okay with Mermott, because she has a "higher" spot, on my desk. The other day after petting WrongWay (Mermott's niece), I put her on the back of my office chair, and when Mermott entered the room and saw that there was someone occupying a position as high as hers, oh the tone of voice she used! I'm sure I don't have the vocabulary to translate THAT.
But from MY standpoint, I enjoy all my cats. I feed them all. I care for them all. So why does Mermott think she needs to have something no one else has? The truth is, each relationship with each cat is unique, simply because each cat is unique. Susie comes in, eats, and goes out as if this were a fast-food joint. She will allow me to hold her and pet her outside, especially int he hay barn, but not so much in the house. Nermal is at my feet no matter where I go. Mermott is the only one who asks for milk. Buster keeps my chair warm. So why does Mermott think no one else should get pets or a spot by me, it doesn't take anything away from her uniqueness. There is no shortage of attention for Mermott because of any of the other cats, no shortage of food....What's up with wanting to be high mucky-muck?
“Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
I suppose no one, not even me, expects a cat to overcome the sin crouching at the door. But I find it interesting that most of MY relationship problems come directly from my similarity to Cain. When my friend is favored by God, I should rejoice, but instead, I'm jealous. I am SO Cain. How do I get out of THAT?
Q and A with Bob Welch
1 month ago
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