Thursday, October 30, 2008

Missing Grandma

My grandma died last January, just shy of her 92nd birthday. These pictures were taken the morning of her birthday.
Some years, we don't get snow at all. Some years we might get a day here and there. Seldom does it last too long, so we try to drop everything and go play in it when we get the chance.

So to have snow on Grandma's birthday, the first birthday she wasn't here to share it with us, was kind of special.

This will be the first Thanksgiving without her, the first Christmas without her. But I'm sure she will be with us. I miss her sometimes, like today, for some reason. But I'm thankful I had a grandma who loved me. Sometimes we stood nose to nose, sometimes we didn't see eye to eye. I probably criticized her way too much. But I always knew she loved me....ever since I was very little.

I hope I can leave a legacy like that--that when I am gone there will be someone (oh, make that lots of someones) who can say, "We didn't always see eye to eye, but I always knew she loved me."

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